Sage 1.3 in the wild

We released Sage 1.3 today. Time to show everyone what we've been working on over the last two months. This release introduces several important features and a pile of new locales. Some user reactions:

What a great little tool. So clean, lean and fast. Bloody marvellous!
This is the best integration of RSS and a browser i've found!
I don't need RSS support in Thunderbird or the Fox's Live Bookmarks or an external Feed reader anymore. Sage rocks.

November 17, 2004 @ 3:04 PM | Category: Technology


The best out there, thanks to the development team for a great looking extension

Posted by: Martin on February 22, 2005 @ 6:44 PM

I've been using your Sage extension for a few weeks now and it totally rocks! Excellent work. I've dumped FeedDemon in favor of this sweet extension, it's changed the way I read my feeds. Any chance of supporting favicons in the main feed item list view? Also, do you have a suggestions mechanism for Sage? I couldn't find one, anyway thanks for building this. - Brian

Posted by: Brian on March 27, 2005 @ 11:01 AM

Brian, we have a couple feedback mechanisms for Sage, the first and easiest being the mailing list, the second and more formal being our bugzilla database. Here's a favicon enhancement request we've received.

Posted by: Peter Andrews on March 28, 2005 @ 10:36 PM

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