Feed reading in Flock
After several weeks of all-out cranking, our feed reading workflow in Flock has really come to life. Here's a peek at the My News feature:
May 2, 2006 @ 4:39 PM | Category: Technology
I just tried out the beta (using it now!) and the news interface is da bomb!
But... wouldn't it be nice to have it integrate w/Newsgator, bloglines, or somesuch rather than having its own store?
I know Newsgator has an awesome API that I bet you guys could tap into very easily.
Posted by: Dimitri Glazkov on June 14, 2006 @ 7:56 AM
Is it possible for you guys to offer that as an extension for Firefox (I use Sage which was from you, but the My News feature in Flock feels more complete).
Pretty Please with a cherry on the top :-)
Also is the Sage Project dead ?
Posted by: Sohil on July 21, 2006 @ 6:00 PM